Biuro: +48 22 751 68 96
STEO Sp. z o.o., ul. Konarskiego 48, 05-092 Łomianki

Indoor series from “COMPACT” to “LARGE”

The Indoor range from “COMPACT” to “LARGE”: Our filling stations for indoor installation. Making the very best use of existing infrastructures

SKU: 1004 Kategoria:


Capacity overview: CTA units for a low (atmospheric) intake pressure range

Free delivery [Nm³/h]

(0°C, 1013 mbar)

Technical data for Indoor / CTA units
Technical data for Indoor / CTA units

Gas intake pressure [barg]

Capacity overview: CTA units for an increased intake pressure range

Free delivery [Nm³/h]

(0°C, 1013 mbar)

Technical data for Indoor / CTA units
Technical data for Indoor / CTA units

Gas intake pressure [barg]


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